#25: How A Bit Of Childhood Magic Can Bring You A Brighter Future

childhood dreams childhood magic passion

When we grow up, the simple pleasures of being a child are sometimes lost when the rules, pressures and decisions we have to make as an adult take hold. Sometimes that can mean we lose a piece of ourselves and what means the most to us, and that missing piece could just be the key to happiness and success in life as an adult. 

In this episode, I talk about why looking back at your childhood passions can be powerful, and If you are feeling unfulfilled or frustrated with your life right now and are wanting to make a change, how you can access that part of you that is forever optimistic and adventurous so you can find your missing piece.

So hit play and get ready to relive your childhood passions and dreams!


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When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?  What were your passions? What did you find joy in and love doing?  It may seem silly but tapping back into those passions can really give you a great insight into what really matters to you, where you find happiness and where your true interests lie, without all the complications we add to the mix as adults! 

So, if you want to make a change in your life, but are not sure which direction to take, your early passions and ideas on what you wanted to be as an adult can be a really good insight into what you really could be doing now.  As a child you are at your purest, you have no constraints to hold you back in terms of money, family, circumstances or what people will think. You believe everything is possible and that there should not be any reason why you can’t make it.  Taking a trip down memory lane can help you glimpse what really makes you tick and uncover your deepest desires and forgotten dreams.

What about you? Are you staying in a job or life that is what you think you should be doing rather than being your authentic self? Did you fall into a career you did not really plan on, or has what used to make you happy in your job lost its shine? Are there things you still dream of doing ‘one day’ in the future?

So many of us as the saying goes ‘put away childish things’ and grow up to live in the real world. And of course we do have to be realistic. If we all went around making the decisions as a child does, we would soon be in chaos. 

In children the decision making capability of their brain is not yet formed, so they use emotion and impulse to make decisions. It is only in early adulthood that you can rationalise and see when things are possible or not. But sometimes we can overdo it and use reason to talk ourselves out of going for those big dreams and taking a safer but ultimately less exciting path.

However, all is not lost!  There is always time to turn things around.  Looking back to what you loved in childhood can give you an insight into  what your true dreams and desires are. A lot of the barriers are real; money and stability do not always go hand in hand with our childish idea of a great life but if we can take the essence of what we wanted in our early lives you can make it work in a different way now. 

You may even see that you are not as far from your childhood fantasies as you thought. When I look at what I do now, it’s not that dissimilar  from what I loved doing as a child. I have been regularly on stage as a trainer and speaker, both in person and virtually. I’m always writing for my business and plan to write a book in the near future. The things I enjoyed are all there, the creativity, the enjoyment of performing and the confidence I found through those things I am able to incorporate into my life.  

So how can YOU re-discover your childhood passions?

You need to get yourself back into your mindset as a child. Think back to what you loved, what games you played and what you spent your time doing. Look at old photos, read old diaries if you have any and imagine yourself as that little person full of hope and dreams. 

Now imagine if you could work in a field that would encompass some of those passions, would you do it?  Open your mind to opportunities, think outside the bounds of society rules and norms.

I’m not saying that if you wanted to be an astronaut as a child you should go off and do it, although if you are young enough and fit the criteria don’t hold back! It seems like going into space is not so far fetched with the likes of Richard Branson and Elon Musk starting space tourism has brought it that bit more accessible, if you have the money.  

So, it may be that you can still become an astronaut, but that is not always possible as you may not have the skills or talents required. 

Rather think about why you wanted to become an astronaut, or whatever your dream was.  Why was it so interesting to you, what drew you to it? Maybe it was because you love adventure, or want to achieve more than most people. Perhaps you love the stars or want to be well known for something. Think about the emotions you feel when you look back on your childhood dreams, the excitement, the wonder, the certainty. What desire did the thought of becoming an astronaut, or baker, or doctor or artist or lawyer or gardener or film star or whatever your ideal career was, fulfil?  

Now, think about your life now, in some way shape or form does your current career or another part of your life fulfil those desires, those needs?  What needs or desires are not being fulfilled? 

How close are you in your current career to those childhood dreams?  

What can you do in your life now to reintroduce those things you miss? 

It doesn’t necessarily mean you need to change your job, it may be that you can bring some of those childhood interests back as hobbies or into your current career in some way, or as a side business. 

We are at a unique time right now, where we have more freedom than ever thanks to technology and the ability to work from anywhere. So a lot of opportunities and paths that were just not open to us when we were children are now very much a reality.   Just allow yourself to open up your mind to the possibilities, think beyond what you currently know and are comfortable with. 

The bottom line is….

Getting in touch with those childhood dreams can be very powerful. When we access the unbridled joy of doing something we love, it can bring so much richness and fulfilment to our lives. Introducing that into our lives now, in however small a way can only enhance what you have.

So, get out those old photos, reminisce with childhood friends, ask your parents and siblings to remind you of all you used to get up to, and allow some of the magic of your childhood to touch your life now. 

That’s it for this week. Have fun unleashing your inner child and who knows, maybe you will find a new exciting direction you were not expecting!

Join me in the next episode and remember, everyone deserves to live their passion, so get started this is your time!

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